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STEP 1: Register

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STEP 2: Place Your Order

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STEP 3: Onboarding

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(Current Step)

STEP 1: Register

Enter your contact info & and submit the form.

STEP 2: Place Your Order

Enter your billing info & make your payment.

STEP 3: Onboarding

Submit details so we can get started.

Logo & Branding Kit

Do you currently have a logo but it’s not very reflective of your brand? How about a cohesive brand portfolio that you can use across all forms of media? If not, let’s create a unified branding kit! We will work with you on logo ideation and design along with creating a color palette and branding kit for social media. With this branding kit you can take ordinary photos and elevate them with your tailored social media templates.

What You Get:

  • Logo

  • Branding Kit

  • Social Media Profile Kit

  • Source files included

  • One brand only

Logo & Branding Kit

Do you currently have a logo but it’s not very reflective of your brand? How about a cohesive brand portfolio that you can use across all forms of media? If not, let’s create a unified branding kit! We will work with you on logo ideation and design along with creating a color palette and branding kit for social media. With this branding kit you can take ordinary photos and elevate them with your tailored social media templates.

What You Get:

  • Logo

  • Branding Kit

  • Social Media Profile Kit

  • Source files included

  • One brand only

Copyright © 2024 EARPware. All rights reserved.

This website was built using the EARPware platform.
Unlike our competitors, we drink our own Kool-Aid.

This website was built using the EARPware platform.
Unlike our competitors, we drink our own Kool-Aid.

Copyright © 2024 EARPware. All rights reserved.